NGA 차세대애드보켓즈 청소년 재단

May 15, 2023
LA한인회, 청소년 뿌리교육 실시 - 정체성지도‘대한학당’신설 - 중고생대상방학8주과정
The Korean American Federation of Los Angeles is launching a new program to teach Korean-American youth about their identity (heritage) and immigration history.
James An, President of the KFLA, announced on the 15th that the federation will introduce a new summer program called “Daehan Heritage School” to help the next generation grow into community leaders and develop a sense of their roots.
The Daehan Heritage School, which will operate as a pilot program, is targeted at middle and high school students (grades 6-12). It is scheduled to run from June 17 to August 12, with weekly sessions totaling 8 hours (4 hours online and 4 hours in-person) over the course of 8 weeks.
During this period, students will learn about the history of the Korean independence movement in the Americas, Korean immigration history, civic participation, local community neighborhood council shadowing, and the role of local government. The classes will use the Jewish traditional learning method of “Havruta,” which involves dialogue and discussion. The program also plans to include field trips to LA City Hall, the Sacramento State Capitol, and historical sites related to the independence movement. Students will have opportunities to meet and be mentored by Korean American role models in various fields, and to engage in community service with Korean organizations and local government agencies.
An explained that the funding for the program will come in the form of scholarships from the KFLA, the Heritage of Korean Independence USA, and Next Generation Advocates Foundation (NGA).
Son Jae-ho, Vice President of the Heritage of Korean Independence USA chapter, who provided the scholarship funds for the program, expressed, “As a father myself, I have felt the need for heritage education for the next generation of Korean Americans. I hope this program will help students establish their identity and properly learn about Korean immigration history.”
Helen Kim, representative of NGA, emphasized, “Participating students will be able to enhance their communication skills through Havruta classes.”
Students interested in participating should fill out the application form online (forms.gle/jc3sqpGMF4Vvn8S89) by June 3. Selected students will be notified individually starting June 5. The registration fee is $100 per person. For more details, visit the website (www.nextgenad.org).
Reporter: Jang Yeon-hwa
LA한인회제임스안회장은15일“자녀들이커뮤니티리더로성장하도록돕고뿌리의식을가질수있는교육을제공하기위해차세대교육여름방학프로그램 ‘대한학당’을신설한다”고발표했다.
파일럿프로그램으로운영될대한학당은중·고등학생(6~12학년)을대상으로오는6월17일부터8월12일까지매주8시간(온라인4시간,대면수업4시간)씩, 총8주과정으로진행될예정이다.
수업은대화와토론을병행하는유대인전통적학습방법‘하브루타’스타일로진행된다.또LA시청과새크라멘토주청사,독립운동유적지등을방문하는현장학 습도계획중이며,각분야의한인롤모델을초청해만나멘토링을받고한인단체나지역정부기관과협력해봉사할기회도제공할예정이다.
이날한인회에프로그램장학금을전달한광복회미국서남부지회손재호부회장은“나역시자녀를둔아버지로서한인차세대들에뿌리교육의필요성을절감 해왔다”며“이프로그램을통해학생들이정체성을확립하고한인이민사를제대로배우게되길바란다”고강조했다.
NGA헬렌김대표는“참가학생들은하브루타수업을통해커뮤니케이션스킬을늘려나갈수있을것”이라고강조했다. 한편참가를원하는학생은온라인(forms.gle/jc3sqpGMF4Vvn8S89)으로신청서를작성해오는6월3일까지접수하면된다.최종선발자는6월5일부터개별 적으로통지할예정이다.